Sunday, September 2, 2012

Trenton Trust Mechanical Coin Bank

How would you like to be memorialized in a coin bank? Mrs. Mary G. Roebling, Chairman of the Board of the Trenton Trust Company, will forever feed coins into a replica of the main office building of the Trenton, N.J. bank. Fellow collector, Scott D., sent me some links and info about this collectable bank. Its seems Mary G. Roebling was a collector of mechanical banks and in 1963 for the 75th anniversary of her Trenton Trust bank she wanted to do something special to commemorate the event.  She commissioned a limited edition of 200 building banks, each of which are numbered. The Grey Iron Casting Company produced the case iron replicas. Seated on a gray office type chair is a figure representation of Mary Roebling dressed in a blue dress with white ruffled collar. Her hair is gold with highlighting and she holds in her lap a large gold key with the word "Security" inscribed thereon. The mechanical banks with the figure and miniature building were handed out to various depositors and politicians, including President Eisenhower. Due to their limited number, the banks sell for the high hundreds of dollars. Scott sent me the photo below and he believes it may be the prototype for the bank as the design is different than the others. What do you think? 

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