I search around the photo-sharing site, Flickr, and found some fellow collectors who also enjoy photographing their miniature replicas. “Dr. Loplop” created a fantasy alien invasion with his buildings. “Mc blds” photographed some of his tower collection in the sunlight. “Kevmr24” shot his building collection which features many replicas from Infocus Tech. Leo Roubos photographed his miniature great towers of the world. “Tres jolie” photographed her own city of lights and Michael Hughes photographed what looks like a Reichstag building in Berlin made of wax. Chinita Jill photographed Eiffel Towers for sale at their source. SBCS member Harvey has some of his own photos on flickr. Here is a bizarre and tasteless Twin Towers replica. Sandy photographed a Massive Souvenir Building in Hong Kong (see top photo) Does anyone know where this is or what it represents? I also have some photos on flickr which I've taken for this blog. Inspired by these images? Shoot some photos of your collection and send them to me. I’ll publish them here to share with readers.
Thanks for mentioning my photo!
I think this photo shows a model of the old Kowloon Walled City, which was demolished in (I think) the very early 1990s.
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